Toot and Puddle

It was my plan from the beginning of this adventure to write about the highs and the lows, to write about the totality of our expat experience..  While I haven’t quite achieved that because some of the lows… Read More

Happy Graduation! The end of an era….

We knew when we embarked on this adventure that our daughters would both go through graduation experiences that would be different from the one they would have had in the US.  One of the things we were keen… Read More

Voting from abroad

Let me start by saying this is not a post about our opinion on who you should vote for in the US election.  This is rather a post encouraging you to vote even if you aren’t thrilled about… Read More

Not on our list of expat to do’s

Late afternoon on Monday here in Australia, we received a phone call from a stranger that Sophie had been hit by a car while heading home from work on her Vespa.  The caller said the ambulance was on… Read More

A pandemic kind of Mum’s Day

As we awake to Mother’s Day here in Australia, my mom is so close in my thoughts.  Well, she is always.  My mom, Lawson’s mom, all of my aunts, cousins and friends who have mothered me over the… Read More

Being an expat during a pandemic

It is an incredibly bizarre time to be an expat. We can’t leave Australia now.  All  international flights and most flights within Australia have been canceled.  There was a headline a few days ago that said “Australia cut… Read More

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  Let me start by saying a huge thank you to all who have checked in on us as the fires raged here in Australia.  We so appreciate your concern and taking the time to… Read More

April Fools Day

Oh has it ever been a while!  I have several half written posts that have languished.  It would be easy for me to just put it in the category of home sickness but that’s only part of the story.  I… Read More

Behind the scenes

I recently had a friend suggest I include some less than flattering photos of this adventure to show that it’s not one big 24/7 party in the Kelley’s Aussie Adventure!  Well, I don’t think you really want to… Read More

Adams Australian Adventure – Part Two

There is something about seeing where you live through the eyes of a first time visitor that reminds you how lucky you are!  This was certainly true for us during our adventuring with the Adams!  We tried to… Read More