It started a long time ago!

Today on my facebook memories, this video showed up!  This desire to have an Australian adventure has been with us for some time!  This was our application for World’s Best Job!  My dad was succumbing to Alzheimer’s so… Read More

A reminder on this day of love!

I have always loved Valentine’s Day!  I think because I associated it with my birthday, which is on the 13th, and my mom always made these back to back holiday’s so special!  I always felt loved and oh… Read More

Papa’s tractor

Today was a big day!  Today we moved Papa’s tractor into long term storage.  It was a bit startling to see her leave Papa’s garage without him.  I am not a farmer.  My father, however, was!  From an… Read More

The tickets have been purchased

The tickets have been purchased and we have a set travel schedule!  Yippee and OMG!  The dogs and kitty are set to board their flight as cargo headed for Melbourne on May 20 and we leave on May 22… Read More