Thanks so much Tom Petty!!

It’s been a big week!  We have decided that taking a break to hear Tom Petty in concert was key to a very productive week!!  The week began with the continued interviewing of rental management companies to handle… Read More

On sentimental items – keeping only what supports your growth!

I come by my sentimentality naturally.  I do not believe my mom threw out a single letter or card she ever received.  I have had to do that for her!  I have worked hard over the years to… Read More

Gratitude in the midst of uncertainty and a wee bit of panic!

Today I received this text from Sylvia.   Ummm….one month?  We are so not ready!  While we are ready for the adventure, we have many of the major details still unresolved including the sale of my childhood home… Read More

Warning labels, flash fires and the importance of being true

  A quick update to say thank you for the notes, texts, messages and kind gestures you have sent our way.  We are grateful for the kindness extended to our family.  I will eventually get around to responding… Read More

Things will work out…just not yet

A very quick post to update you on Susan.  This week has been a complete blur.  I have had Susan on strict bed rest to facilitate healing from the burns she sustained last weekend.  I have been changing… Read More

Birthday love

Today, one of our favorite people in the world celebrates her birthday!  Today, is Ms. Sylvia’s birthday!  Sylvia came into our life as a teacher at our girls school when we first moved here.  She was an important… Read More

Update on our burn victim

I want to thank all of you for the texts, messages and calls to Susan.  She will eventually get around to responding to them, but she is currently in a lot of pain and I have her on… Read More

This girl is on fire – literally

It has been some kind of a week for our family!  Earlier in the week, our daughter Sophie came forward and reported unwanted touching in I the workplace.  This afternoon, I suffered second degree burns on my arms… Read More