Today I received this text from Sylvia.
Ummm….one month? We are so not ready! While we are ready for the adventure, we have many of the major details still unresolved including the sale of my childhood home (if you know someone looking for a lovely home send them our way) and getting our Florida home ready for what is next here. We did make some progress on Friday by having a holiday rental management company come in and look over the space. Now, we wait for them to get the projected numbers back to us. In addition, we still have not quite figured out our living arrangements in Brisbane. We are taking only some clothes and our animals with us but finding furnished places is not so easy. Lawson has reached out to a relocation company to help us on that end! While Lawson has poured much energy into researching places to rent there, there is not much you can do until you are about a month out from needing the place. Suddenly we are closing in on that date! To say we are living in a state of limbo is an understatement! While this blog will someday take a more professional tone, currently it is all personal raw emotion as we go through this process in part to document this journey a bit and in part to say if we can do this, anyone can! And in saying anyone can do this, I mean follow their dream…not necessarily moving abroad. Follow yours!! As I have been working my way through old letters and other sentimental items, I have found over and over references by us all about our going to Australia someday going back many, many years. This is about following those inner nudges and seeing where they lead. This may be an epic failure….or not! We are hoping for not!
I cannot thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers and kind gestures these past two weeks! I am healing nicely as you can see from this photo. My face and left arm are looking good, other than the loss of my eyebrows! Yep, burned straight off my face! They actually are growing back at a faster rate than I anticipated and truth be told they weren’t that fab a feature to begin with! As you can see in the photo my right hand and arm are healing faster now that I can allow it to get air a portion of the day. They are just super sensitive. As I work this week to try to accomplish a little by going through old paperwork and sentimental items, I realize there are so many reasons to be grateful! Just being able to use my arms again is such a gift! The human body’s potential to heal and regenerate is simply amazing! I couldn’t even look at my arm two weeks ago much less post a photo. It was that bad. I don’t know how Lawson changed my dressing without passing out. On another positive note, Sophie says it looks a bit like I got an expensive chemical peel on my face and some of the lines are diminished! I will take it!
More on going through all the sentimental things in our next post! Happy Tuesday!

Good to read your update and to think of the silver linings in the clouds, aka, a facial chemical peel ! Ha! and Ouch! Like losing weight via Good for you Sophie for pointing that out to your mama. You all are a bunch of colorful characters, so much personality and strength in that little group of four. You have always been pioneers and visionaries. Thank you for writing about it, we will discover another of God’s continents along with you.
Thanks so much for your kind words Daphne! You will have to plan a trip to visit and retrace your dad’s journey there!