The beach+horses = fun

As summer break winds down for our girls, we decided one last adventure was in order.  Riding horses on the beach in Noosa has been on our list of adventures to try.  As we were researching places to… Read More

Ahh, to be 21 again!

It’s been a big week for our family! Our oldest, Sophie, turned 21 yesterday! What is so impossible about this is that she was this baby just the other day!    And, we were 21 not that long… Read More

Rocking right on into 2018

Well, maybe I should have said discoing into the new year!  Now that the holiday’s are over, we are fully embracing summer break.  Yes, summer in January still is throwing us off too!  Because our Sophie is working… Read More

Happy New Year

One of our friends in describing us to someone who didn’t know us said “When they say they are going to do something, like move to Australia, they actually do it…they don’t just talk about it!”  We took… Read More