It’s been a big week! We have decided that taking a break to hear Tom Petty in concert was key to a very productive week!! The week began with the continued interviewing of rental management companies to handle our beach home. 30a-vacay it will be! Many thanks to the Keepman family for the recommendation! I have never wanted to rent my home out but going for this long held dream has caused me to stretch beyond my comfort zone in a multitude of areas including my home!
Actually, the week began with Eve’s oral presentation of the book Into the Wild that she and Ms. Sylvia worked on earlier in the semester. Eve did a fabulous job! She is going to be ready for her new school Lourdes Hill College in Brisbane! It is official! She will be beginning there in July!
The week progressed with our signing a 7 month lease for a lovely place in the New Farm neighborhood in Brisbane! The last time we were renters was before we married 25 years ago so it’s a little weird but also kinda nice to get a break from our renovation mode! Now we just have to work with a relocation service to get furniture sorted. No shortage of details in moving internationally!
We had a visit with wonderful friends and then a lovely send off dinner with dear friends who we believe will all visit us soon! We will do more than Shoot the Hooch! That fourth bedroom will be ready y’all! Thanks for our time together! Distance really means little when friends mean so much!
One of the most exciting things that occurred this week was the news that Sophie had been accepted into the University of Queensland which is consistently in the top 50 (#52 this year) universities in the world! She has worked and sacrificed for this! We are thankful so many credits will transfer and that it is within the budget of her 529 savings plan! Our high achieving girl is stoked! Did I mention she got her acceptance during the concert? Tom Petty=Good Luck!
I have finally accepted the reality that my push through paperwork and sentimental items will be shelved until visits home. Bummer! The flash fire and my recovery have put us way behind. I hate paying for storage units but suppose if there was ever a good reason it is for taking big adventures!
A big week for runnin down a dream! Thanks always for the support! And, thanks so much Tom Petty for such a great concert!

Susan I am absolutely stoked that things are working out so well for y’all and a little in awe of Lawson’s organisational skills to put all this together in such a short time. Blessings as you make final preparations xx
Thanks for your support through all this Rhonda! Lawson is amazing!
Wishing all of you(pets included) the adventure of a lifetime!
Aww…thanks so much Miss Tommie Ann and Mr. John! I think you guys should visit us?!