Going to the country Aussie style!

Hi everyone it’s Eve!  I am currently on school holidays.  I started my new school a couple of weeks ago. I have to wear a uniform and it isn’t so bad.  I have made a great group of… Read More

Eat + Drink + Shop @ Eat Street North-shore

 Father’s Day Edition Hey it’s Sophie. That is me, earlier today, drinking an Asian Lager from Singapore. I didn’t travel to southern Malaysia, but I did catch the city cat to Eat Street Market in Hamilton, a place… Read More

Back on the mat

It is hard for me to remember some days that just a few short weeks ago I was bed bound with second degree burns covering my lower arms and part of my face!  There are still the reminders… Read More

Our Florida home is finally live

One of the most difficult things about this adventure has been leaving the home we have invested the past four years of our time and energy into bringing back to life!  Blood, sweat and tears have truly gone… Read More

Wonder Woman saves the day!

There is a children’s book called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day that we have always loved.  From the moment Alexander wakes up, things just don’t go his way and several times throughout the book he… Read More

Somewhere over the rainbow

Today, Eve began a new adventure…school Aussie style!  When we first started talking about having this family adventure, one concern was school for the girls.  Last year, when Lawson and I made our recon visit to check things… Read More

Baby steps

Week two has been full of baby steps toward getting some structure!  There has also been lots of emotion as we realize this is kinda a big deal and that we are all pretty exhausted emotionally from months… Read More

Big moves and anxiety!

In many ways, I am an unlikely candidate for a big move like the one we have undertaken!  In addition to the incredibly stable childhood I was granted, I also inherited my dad’s shyness and love of stability!… Read More

Reunited and it feels so good!

Today, our fur babies were released from quarantine in Melbourne!  They were picked up at quarantine, put on a plane bound for Brisbane and then picked up at the airport here and delivered to our door by Dogtainers!… Read More