A true friend

One of the most amazing gifts of our time living here on 30a, has been the guy on the left of this photo!  A true friend is an amazing gift and this guy is a true friend!  We started as clients and became friends!  As a super talented  landscape architect, Brad creates beauty with all he touches.  Today, he went beyond kind gestures by sharing his tools and his time trimming and prepping my parents yard for putting their home on the market.  He also helped us bring a few plants to our home here in Florida to transplant.  While my parents were master gardeners and created an Eden like refuge on their property, Lawson and I have struggled to try to keep things somewhat under control.  The house and yard deserve to have the kind of love that lives right there with them.  It has taken me a while to accept this fact.  I long for the days of Eden that were my childhood all the way through my girls early years.  FullSizeRender 3
There is nothing quite like our childhood homes and our childhood yards!  In my case, there were not only beautiful flowers but fruit trees and all manner of vegetables!  One of my jobs as a child was to “feed” the fig tree – aka composting.  There are no longer the beautiful rows of veggies but the blueberry bushes and fig trees still remain. And, thanks to Brad and Lawson’s hard work today, the shrubs are looking way better.  Thanks Brad for being such a great friend!

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While the guys were busy working two hours away from home, Eve was busy babysitting Brad’s sweet puppy Biscuit back home at the beach!  It was a fun day for her but she was most definitely tired tonight!  Puppies require a lot of attention after all.   All in all a productive day that inches us closer to Brisbane thanks to the help of a true friend!


2 Comments on “A true friend

  1. Another milestone on the journey. And yes so much easier when there are true friends to help.
    I am sure the puppy love being with Eve. She would have showered it with love.

    • Thanks so much Rhonda for your ongoing support! You are a fab friend!

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