So, it’s been a busy few days! In addition to meeting with the estate sale company and setting a firm date for it, on Friday we received confirmation that our three dogs and our cat had received permits to be exported from the US and imported to Australia! Yahoo! Lawson was then able to apply for reservation’s in Melbourne’s post entry quarantine facility and today we got that confirmation! This whole thing has been like a complicated 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle. One step must be completed before the next can be started. There is our local vet, the official government vet in Gainesville and a vet in Kansas to communicate with. Oh, and then the Australian end of things as well! Whew! Lawson has worked on all of this as I’ve been sorting things to keep and things to sell We still have one more very huge step with our furry kids that will need to be completed just 5 days before we board our flight in L.A…no stress there! Nevertheless, a couple of big hurdles cleared!
In the midst of these details, our oldest daughter Sophie turned 20 yesterday! And, boy did we celebrate her! Our youngest daughter, Eve, made this beautiful cake from scratch for her sister! Celebrating with her family and two best friends made the day perfect!
.Sometimes all the balls that we are juggling can seem overwhelming. It is important in the midst of that juggling to celebrate life! Here’s to you Sophie! You inspire us to be adventurers!

Keep the blogs coming Susan. Each step is so important and, yes celebrating special occasions and making treasured memories is the priority.
Thanks so much for all your support Rhonda! You are dear to our family!
Just came across your blog (how’s that for being behind?) So excited for your family! Will be following your journey.
Thanks so much Camille! You need to plan on visiting me!!
let me know when!
Give me 6 months to reorient myself!